what if you were given the chance to redo things from your past?
correct the wrongs you did and maybe do things differently?
would it matter?
would it make things better?
or would it just make you realize that things happen for a reason and that the best thing you can do, is learn, grow and do what you can to make things better now - and in the future?
thanks ina for sharing this tv series with me :) i'm just in season 1 episode 1 but i think it's really pretty interesting! i'll have to share this with ate cat! :)
quotable quotes:
"well, no one is ever stuck anywhere. you are where you need to be right now and when you are finished doing whatever it is that you're meant to be doing... then you move on" - Dr. Tom Wexlar
"your parents opinions, your friends opinions. yeah, of course, they're always going to matter... THEY JUST DON'T MATTER AS MUCH AS YOUR OWN" - Dr. Tom Wexlar
"change. sometimes it sneaks up on you. sometimes it hits you over the head. and sometimes you turn a corner only to find you're different in some small way... and the world? it doesn't look quite like how it used to. so where do i go from here? no idea. and for the first time, i feel like it's a good thing" - Erica Strange