watched harry potter and the deathly hallows with the family... the movie was great BUT given that it's a part 1 of 2 kind of film, it was also frustrating as you kind of want to scream "WHAT'S NEXT?! / I WANT TO SEE WHAT'S NEXT!!" oh well... no choice but to wait for July 2011!
in the meantime, the family and i have decided to just re-read the whole series and have a harry potter marathon as soon as a day frees up! oh such addicts! haha!
don't you just love bonding moments with the family? i'm so happy that my current state now somehow allows for me to have more of such :)
sharing some pictures from our dinner at cookbook kitchen:
frutti di mare

parmesan crusted white fish
(tried this the first time we ate here and i can't seem to get enough! super yummy!)
a little prayer for today:
my Lord God,
i do not see the road ahead of me.
i cannot know for certain where it will end...
i know that You will lead me by the right road,
through i may know nothing about it.
therefore i trust You always.
i will not fear;
for You are with me,
and You will never leave me to face my perils alone